Monday, December 1, 2014


The team met up and went shopping! We stopped by Lowe's this morning and got some supplies. Nails, Velcro, springs, PVC pipe, pegboard, and some wooden stakes. Taking the measurements we had previously discussed for the frame of the Jolt Car, we had the pegboard, stakes, and PVC cut down to a proper size.

The Velcro is ensure the arduino board doesn't move inside the finished frame of the car. The PVC pipe and spring is for the cannon that will be attached to the car as well. The frame is built out of the rest of the materials. The team also visited a hobby shop today as well, where we picked up tires and axles for the wheels of the car. (The chassis is not finished yet, so no sneak peeks!).

While trying to figure out a way to put the top and bottom half of the frame together, the group decided to make attached brackets. We made a quick model on Solid Works, pictured below, and had several cut out of green acrylic.

We worked to finish as much as we could on the frame before our classes. Still a work in progress, but the Jolt Car is well on it's way!

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